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Getting ahead: 9 tips for personal and professional efficiency

In today’s go-go-go world, “efficiency” isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a survival skill. Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder, shattering glass ceilings or juggling life’s day-to-day demands, finding ways to do more with less has become an invaluable trait. But how can you tap into your productivity? We’ve gathered nine tips to help you up your efficiency game in your professional and personal lives. 

1. Clear the clutter


Organize your desktop—including your actual desktop and computer desktop. Streamline your to-do list and prioritize your top three tasks each day. When you get rid of the mess, it helps you focus. 


Remove clutter from the areas where you spend most of your time at home. A clean and tidy space helps reduce mental fog and can boost creativity. 

2. Be ruthless with priorities


Learn to differentiate between tasks that are “urgent” and “important” (hint: there’s a difference). Tackle the tasks that will give you the most return on your time investment.


Think about your long-term goals and align your daily choices accordingly. Would you rather binge-watch your favorite series or get work done on your passion project? The choice is yours.

3. Embrace technology


Wherever possible, automate routine tasks with apps and tools. But remember to disconnect at the end of the day and turn off unnecessary notifications.


Use technology to set reminders, organize your personal tasks, and even meditate or track exercise. Just don’t forget to unplug and indulge in the real world. 

4. Know when to delegate


As much as you’d like to, you can’t do everything yourself. Empower your team members by entrusting them with tasks. It helps them grow and lets you focus on the bigger picture, instead of being in the weeds of the minutiae.


Share responsibilities at home with your partner or children (if they’re of an age where they can do chores without supervision). Remember that it’s OK to ask for help. And if it’s in your budget, it’s also OK to hire help. 

5. Learn to say no


Not all meetings are necessary—opt for a quick chat or email instead. Learn to say no so you can get the most value from your time and energy.


Rest when you need to, surround yourself with positivity and cut ties with people who drain your energy. Know your limits! 

6. Set clear boundaries


Especially if you work from home, define your work hours. This ensures you’re not working all day and allows you to step away and relax when your workday is over.


Establish boundaries in your relationships. It’s important for your mental health and allows you to prioritize self-care. 

7. Learn at every opportunity


The business landscape changes constantly. Stay updated on current trends and technologies by attending webinars, reading relevant materials, or hiring a mentor or business coach.


If you’re not growing, you’re not learning. Embrace new hobbies, read diverse books and never shy away from an opportunity to learn. 

8. Visualize your goals


Seeing what you’re working toward is a powerful motivator. Create a vision board or set clear milestones so you can focus on your end goals.


Whether you have a new fitness goal, a travel destination you’ve been dreaming about or a new monetary goal, visualize yourself achieving them. Vison boards are great for personal goals too! 

9. Celebrate small wins


Recognize and celebrate all achievements—no matter how small they may be. It can help boost employee morale and keep them motivated.


Every step you take toward a goal is progress. Celebrate it, no matter how small it may seem. Every step counts. 

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